We follow the latest developments in the building materials and technologies market, use only safe materials from trusted manufacturers and carefully select each specialist

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We follow the latest developments in the building materials and technologies market, use only safe materials from trusted manufacturers and carefully select each specialist.


Placement is subject to many variables which change on a daily basis. We've formulated some of the best admixtures in the market space to aid in early strength, flexile strength, solids production, workability, finish strength and much more which help us normalize the variables in order to produce the best concrete available. For a measurable difference choose World's Best. 


During the concrete finishing process one of most desirable qualities is minimum surface porosity. Porosity is typically produced as bleed water raises from the concrete mixture then evaporates from the surface of the concrete. This capillary action produces tiny water channels or capillaries that can remain in the surface area or "cap" region of your concrete. Through a combined chemical and mechanical approach applied to the surface of the concrete during the finishing process enables World's Best to greatly reduce and/or minimize the appearance of capillary water evaporation effects allowing World's Best to produce unparalleled surface abrasion slabs.

Up to 50% cement reduction
A 45% Global Warming Potential (GWP) C02 Reduction
Up to 60% water reduction
Surpassing standard compressive strength in shorter time frames
Reduced permeability and stronger, denser longer lasting concrete
Increased resistance to chemical attack
Increased abrasion resistance and durability
Helps eliminate alkali-silica reaction (ASR)
Reduction in efflorescence
Less curling and undulation
Stops salting
Reduced staining and etching
Engineered liquid water reducer, no powdered products to store or handle
Enhances fresh properties of concrete for easier workability and less labor
Mixes can be tailored to achieve project specific goals
Allows for healthier lower level slumps without loosing workability or flow
Increased efficiency of cements to use higher percentage of the available water when mixing
Improved finishing in windy conditions, and extreme temperature conditions (hot/cold)
Produces additional cementitious material increasing cream for finishing
Reduces potential for differential curing and surface damage through the elimination of bleed water
Concrete retains mix water longer - optimizing cure
Significantly reduces volumes loss shrinkage shock which reduces cracking
Provides internal curing (IC) throughout the entirety of the concrete
Increases compressive strength
Saw cut joints are fewer and can be done later, even the next day, giving more time on the job
Patent pending proprietary water reducer


exceptional abrasion resistance, early yield strength & low environmental foot

Cement Reduction & CO2 Footprint

Reducing CO2 is a critical for the future of the concrete industry. However, early attempts to lower the carbon footprint of concrete often included longer schedules, decreased workability, and increased cracking that made adoption more difficult. World's Best, recognizing the need to approach low carbon concrete in a different manner than traditional concrete, has pioneered a path that increases workability and shortens curing schedules making low carbon concrete easier and more budget friendly to deploy. World's Best integrates seamlessly with low carbon mixes containing Portland limestone cement, calcined clays, and carbon sequestering, increasing the total carbon reductions many times over. When supply for slag., fly ash, or cement become scarce or price prohibitive, World's Best can also help you design low carbon mixes that will work with fewer of those materials.


Concrete is the second-most-used construction material after water.
Concrete usage is higher than that of steel, wood, plastic, and aluminum combined.
Cement contributes 8% of all global man made CO2 emissions.
Traditionally concrete is a ravenous consumer of natural water resources.
Aggregates for concrete are intensively mined and those mining efforts contribute further to global CO2 emissions.

World's Best finds the small advantages from hydration to material components, that when utilized together, reduce the global carbon footprint of concrete production, construction, and delivery.

We follow the latest developments in the building materials and technologies market, use only safe materials from trusted manufacturers and carefully select each specialist.


At World’s Best we acknowledge water is a precious natural resource, and its conservation is of utmost importance in the face of global environmental challenges. Water scarcity and its environmental and health impact is a growing concern worldwide, with many regions facing water stress due to population growth, climate change, and over-extraction of water resources.In traditional approaches to low carbon concrete, water demands are increased well beyond historic averages. The environmental impact of excessive water consumption in typical low carbon concrete production cannot be overstated. However, adopting World’s Best approaches can reduce water usage, increasing the already substantial environmental benefits from lower carbon.Traditional low carbon concrete mixing methods often require large volumes of water for mixing, curing, and cleaning equipment. This high water usage contributes to the depletion of local water sources and can lead to ecosystem disruption and potentially land subsidence in extreme cases.   

In traditional approaches to low carbon concrete, water demands are increased well beyond historic averages. The environmental impact of excessive water consumption in typical low carbon concrete production cannot be overstated. However, adopting World’s Best approaches can reduce water usage, increasing the already substantial environmental benefits from lower carbon.

Traditional low carbon concrete mixing methods often require large volumes of water for mixing, curing, and cleaning equipment. This high water usage contributes to the depletion of local water sources and can lead to ecosystem disruption and potentially land subsidence in extreme cases.   

Water Savings Benefits from World's Best Concrete Include:

Reduced Water Stress: Incorporating water-saving practices and technologies in concrete production reduces the strain on local water supplies.
Reducing pressure on the ecosystems and communities that rely on these water sources, helping preserve biodiversity and maintain ecosystems.
Water-saving measures in concrete production with World’s Best result in reduced energy consumption, using less water in mixing concrete can lead to less energy required for heating, and carbon footprint.
Traditional low carbon carbon concrete production can generate polluted runoff containing cementitious material residues and other contaminants. By minimizing water use, the potential for such pollution is reduced, benefiting local ecosystems.
Employing World’s Best water-saving techniques aligns with sustainable construction practices, reducing the environmental impact of buildings and infrastructure throughout their lifecycle.
Using less water in concrete production contributes may help meet sustainability standards and certifications required by local, state, and federal laws.


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Worlds Best ForeverFloor™ substrate management system incorporates a measured floor grading process that allows owners to manage their substrate by measurable benchmarks rather than guessing. As maintenance and restoration is performed substrate values are measured and recorded in a database. As values are accumulated day by day these arrogated values can be used to build an overall condition report for owners that highlight safety & ascetic progress toward specific targeted preset goals.

The Worlds First Measured Floor Management System

Operate Clean, Safe & Beautiful … WITHOUT interruption - ForeverFloor™

ForeverFloor™ by W0rld's Best Concrete provides you with an ongoing substrate management system utilizing measured data specific to your floors needs. Start saying NO! No to costly Refresh Programs, NO store SHUTDOWNS, NO added COSTS, and NO outside CONTRACTORS. Start saying YES to a lower annual cost compared to industry standards and your able to manage it with existing staff & equipment. 

The Worlds Best Substrate Management System - ForeverFloor™ uses a patented algorithmic process to analyze the condition of your flooring asset(s) to determine a benchmark / reference point. During this phase “Ra” datapoints are collected and input into the algorithm for analysis. Ra is a universally recognized, most widely used, and international parameter of roughness or texture. From this initial analysis an optimized forward looking plan can be determined, guiding and directing discussions regarding aesthetics, existing damage levels, and safety concerns. 

Random Ra data points are collected using a handheld contact stylus measurement device or autonomous robotic methodology. Measurements collected are analyzed, and a flooring perception is generated outlining exact steps to reach the desired goal. Take the guess work out hard surface floor covering management.

Ra is the universally recognized, and most used, international parameter of roughness. It is the arithmetic mean of the absolute departures of the roughness profile from the mean line and defined by the following above equation.


Polished concrete floors have many benefits with one weakness, proper maintenance. Current polished concrete floors require expensive "refresh-programs". The more your floor gets used the sooner you’ll be paying for a "re-fresh". It doesn’t make since, your paying to maintain your floor then why are you paying to "re-fresh" it? How do you stop the cycle? "We do!" We've changed the process of polished floor maintenance and made it simple, affordable, and easy to do. With Forever Floor system, you should never again pay for or shut down for a "re-fresh" again or apply any new seal coatings, or colorant ever again. Our goal is simple, to make you forget you own flooring so you can focus on running your business.


This is your concrete floor, cleaned daily with your floor scrubber for the past 10 years. These maintenance program results are typical for todays standards.

Floor Cleaned
Floor finish suffers with daily cleaning process
Floor quickly becomes dull and dingy looking
Aisle /store shutdowns to perform the refresh
Bring in outside flooring contractors to perform
Bottom line, your maintenance program is producing poor results... with a high price tag
Annual or bi-annual "refreshes" are need to improve floor finish


This is your concrete floor, cleaned daily with your floor scrubber for the past 10 years. These maintenance program results are typical for todays standards.

Floor looks clean, bright, and like new DAILY
Floor finish never diminishes
Floor finish actually improves over time
No added costs
No outside contractors
Lower annual cost compared to industry standard process
Bottom Line, Your maintenance program can produce incredible results... at a lower cost


The pursuit of perfection breaks barriers. Excellence is in the details.

Excellence is never an accident. It is always the results of high intention. Since effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny.. - Aristotle



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